Sunday, July 24, 2016

21 Day Fix Introduction

I could not be more excited to start the accountability group for 21 Day Fix (or Extreme) next week!  Before we get started with the group, I wanted to do a review of the program for those in the group and anyone who just wants to know more about the 21 Day Fix program.

General Program Information:
21 Day Fix is a (ahem) 21 day program in which you workout 7 days a week for approximately 30 minutes a day.  Each day of the week there is a new workout, so you'll do the same workout each Monday, each Tuesday, etc.  Each day there is a new muscle group worked, as well as some active recovery days.  The workouts are:  total body cardio, upper, lower, pilates, cardio, dirty 30, yoga.  There are also two deluxe workouts available:  flat abs and barre legs.  You can also get plyo fix if you order through teambeachbody (I sub this for cardio).

In addition to the workouts, there is also a nutrition plan included with the program.  It features the portion fix containers, which Autumn helped to create.  Using the formula included in the program guide, you will calculate how many calories you need to eat in a day.  The calories are then converted into containers (this is already done for you in a chart) and you will know how many of each colored container you need to eat.  There are also food lists you know exactly what goes in to each container.  There are a few recipes included with the program but I highly recommend Autumn's Fixate cookbook if you want more variety.

There is a modifier in each of the workouts.  Kat is in the front, to the right of Autumn, so you can always see her.  If you are modifying, make sure that you still keep the intensity high so you will see results.

There is minimal equipment required for this program.  You can use either dumbbells (a few sets will give you the best results) or a resistance band.  You do not need both.  In every workout there is someone who is using the band so you can watch him or her to make sure you're using correct form.  If you're working out on a hard surface, it is recommended that you have a mat, but this is optional.  Of course, as with any workout, have your water and towel nearby to hydrate and dry the sweat, respectively.  (Side bar:  Although this is not a requirement specifically of this program, I want to mention here to make sure that you have a good pair of sneakers to do your workout in.  I love cross trainers because they have more support in the ankle than running shoes.  Since there is a lot of lateral (side to side) movement in these workouts as well as plyometrics (jumping), I would recommend a good pair of trainers.)

About the Trainer:  This is Autumn's first program* released through Beachbody but she is certainly not a newbie to fitness.  She has been training people for years and clearly knows what she's doing by her physique and the amazing results people (including myself) have gotten with her programs.  She is chipper without being overly sweet, she cues very well, and she has a positive attitude.  She pushes you and wants you to be successful, but she's not abrasive.  She is always sure to point out correct form, modifications, and advanced versions of the exercises.  She models the exercises before you do them and walks around the cast to show others doing the movements.  Some of her choices of attire are...interesting...but not distracting from the workouts, in my opinion.  Autumn varies her cast and is encouraging to them as well as us throughout the workouts.  The only thing I wish she did was tell us what weights she is using so we can get an idea of how light or heavy we should go for each exercise.

As the week continues, I will post my reviews of each of the individual workouts with pictures for the more complicated or hard to explain moves.   Please let me know if you have any questions about the program, the specific workouts or a particular move, or if you're ready to take the next step in your fitness journey and get the program!

*Autumn has since released 21 Day Fix Extreme and The Master's Hammer and Chisel (with Sagi Kalev from Body Beast) and will soon be releasing Country Heat, a country line-dancing inspired workout.

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