Sunday, July 31, 2016

21 Day Fix Day 7 Review: Yoga Fix

It's the last day of the first week of the 21 Day Fix!  Wow, I can't believe how fast it's gone by!  This is a rest day and a much needed stretch and relaxation for the muscles that have taken a beating this week.

Sunday's Workout:  Yoga Fix

Autumn's Inspirational Quote: "Change your thoughts, change your body"

Time:  29:58

This workout is broken up into different sections, but I'm just going to go through and tell you the moves, so you have some idea of what to expect.

Mountain Pose:  standing as straight at you can, and breathe.

Sun Salutations (3):  raise arms up, swan dive down, raise up into flat back, hands down and step or jump into plank, chaturanga (sliding tricep push up), push into up dog, move back into down dog, jump or step feet forward, move into flat back, swan dive up, bring arms back down to sides.

Chair Pose:  bend down into squat, keeping knees together, arms up by your ears, move into vinyasa (tricep into up dog, down dog), back into chair pose, and close with sun salutation.

Warrior 1:  stand with your feet apart in lunge position, back foot turned out rather than facing front, hips forward, arms out to your sides.
Warrior 2:  same as Warrior 1, but turn your upper body and arms should face the front and back of the room.
Right Angle:  bend forward to rest front elbow on your front knee (or your hand can touch the floor), top arm reaching up to the ceiling, back leg straight.
Back to Warrior 2, Warrior 1, repeat with the other leg forward.
Repeat vinyasa again and then back into chair pose, then back to standing.

Balance Pose:  standing tall, pull your right knee up and balance, then repeat with left leg.
Tree Pose:  standing tall, pull your right foot into your inner thigh, hands in prayer pose at chest, repeat with left leg.

Forward Bend:  bend at the hips, keeping your back flat, interlace fingers around your big toes, lift up your feet and move your hands under your feet so you're standing on them, lift flat back up and down.
Triangle Pose:  move to the right and keep both legs straight, with one arm down to the ground and the other up towards the ceiling, stand up tall and move to the other side.

Using a sun salutation, lower yourself to the ground and go into a...
Modified Cobra (2):  lay flat, hands by your shoulders, push up and then lay back down with right ear on the ground, repeat with left ear.
Superman (2):  lay flat on the ground, hands out straight, legs back, and lift both arms and legs at the same time, lower down with right ear to the ground, then repeat with left ear.
Bow Pose:  laying on your stomach, lift up your legs and bend at knees, then reach your arms back and grab your feet.  Think about pushing your feet back into your hands so you can really stretch your back and quads.

Child's Pose:  bend your knees and lay back onto your quads, stretching your lower back, keeping knees slightly apart.

Cat/Cow (3): round your back up to look like a scared cat, then push your chest into the floor and lift your head up.
Bird Dog:  lift right up and left leg at the same time, then switch arms and legs.

Child's Pose

Runner Stretch:  sit on the floor with legs apart and pull right leg into inner thigh, keep the other leg out straight, reach to your toe.
Glute Stretch:  sit back on your glutes, knees bent, and cross your right leg over your left so your right ankle is resting just above your left knee, pull your chest up as far as you can to really feel the stretch.
Twist:  keep left leg straight, bend right leg over and push against your knee to the right to feel the stretch in your back.
Repeat on other side

Butterfly:  sit with both feet together and rest your elbows on your knees, pushing them into the ground lightly to feel the stretch.
Straddle Stretch:  legs out wide, stretch to the right side, then stretch to the left side, feeling the stretch in your hamstrings and inner thighs..
Side Stretch:  same as straddle stretch, except bend right arm to the side, then left arm, feeling the stretch in your side and shoulder.
Supine Twist:  lay on your back, bring your right knee over your left leg and lightly push it into the floor, repeat on the other side.
Knee Hug:  bring both knees into your chest.
Corpse Pose:  stretch legs out and rest arms by your side, relax and close your eyes.

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  This workout is not intended to be difficult, because it is to stretch and relax your body, but if you are doing the stretches the right way and really relaxing into them, you will be feeling it!  Something I heard once is that you need to stretch until you're comfortably uncomfortable.  That's what you'll feel in this workout.
Difficulty: 2/5 Nothing crazy here, and you can modify any moves in you don't feel like going as deep.
Enjoyment:  3/5  I am not a fan of yoga at all, but I can appreciate the fact that I need workouts like this to give my muscles a break.  This workout was a good yoga workout, just doesn't float my boat.
Overall:  4/5 In thinking that this is a yoga workout, it does a good job of stretching the muscles and relaxing the body.

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