Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why I became a Beachbody coach and what that really means

Just recently I made the decision to become a Beachbody coach.  But why in the world did I take the plunge and do this and what does that really mean?  I am glad to tell you!

I have been into fitness for a while now.  I remember in middle school coming home every day and doing Tae-bo and my mom's Jane Fonda's Workout Challenge on VHS!  I really enjoyed fitness and working out, but wasn't doing it as seriously as I could be and definitely didn't have a clue about "clean eating."  I went off to college and working out went by the wayside.  For a little over a year, I did nothing in terms of fitness!  Eventually, I started going to my school's gym and got back into the habit.  I don't remember how I got it, but I ended up with a TurboJam DVD in my possession.  I loved it!  It was tough, fast-paced, and fun.  It didn't feel like working out.  And the trainer (Chalene Johnson) had high-energy and was positive--it was like she really wanted me to do well, too.  After doing TurboJam for a while, I decided it was time for a challenge and a program.  I did some research online and came across Insanity.  I really didn't know much about it other than it was a set of DVDs that came with a calendar that would tell me what workout to do each day.  Perfect!  I was beyond excited to get the program and get started.

I really knew nothing about Beachbody and had no interest in learning about it.  I was content with my Insanity, which I ended up doing for 5 rounds!  Maybe it was because it was my first workout, but it is also my favorite, and holds a special place in my heart.  I know I can always go back to it when I want a cardio challenge.  It is what one might call my "soulmate" workout.  In between Insanity, I was still doing other at-home videos from Jillian Michaels and Amy Bento.  Then, I heard about a new release from TurboJam creator Chalene Johnson called TurboFire.  How great!  I ordered it and was pumped!  It was so fun and I was still getting a great workout.  TurboFire also includes strength training workouts, which brought me back to the days when I went to the gym.  I ended up getting very sick during this program and wasn't able to finish the 90 days.  When I was ready to workout again, I went right back to TurboFire and it helped me regain my cardiovascular and muscular strength.

After TurboFire, I started looking at the Beachbody website and saw that there was an option to become a coach.  What in the world did that mean?  I had no idea (I'm still learning!) but it sounded like something I wanted to do--bring Beachbody programs, like the ones I had done and enjoyed so much, to other people.  Over the years I have done a lot of Beachbody programs--just about every one that there is!  I kept going back to being a coach, but I never thought that I would be able to do it.  I have been wavering for years on what to do--I have often thought about getting my personal training certification.  But, then I would have to do the training, get a job in a gym, and you can't just start out being the world's best personal trainer!  Plus, that is going to take time, probably more than a year.  I wanted a way that I could move forward in fitness right NOW!

Fast-forward to 2016 and I decided to jump in feet-first to this whole coaching thing.  I am still learning along the way because I know that I will never be done learning about and growing in fitness.  However, I am so excited to be a part of a great team and to help other people get healthy, be strong, and love working out like I do!  Which brings me to my 'why':  why did I decide to become a coach?  I have seen what Beachbody programs have done for me.  I couldn't imagine going to a gym every day to work out.  Not only would I not have the motivation to drive somewhere, I would have no clue what to do!  I am self-motivated when it comes to working out, but I have to know what in the world I'm doing when I get there.  I can work out from the comfort of my own home, I know exactly what workout I'm doing today, tomorrow, and next week because I have a calendar to follow, and I have a celebrity trainer in my house, making sure that I am pushing my hardest and getting great results.  I have totally changed the way I look at healthful eating.  I used to think that having bland chicken and a bowl of quick-cook white rice with calorie-free butter spread was healthful (gross, right?) but now I know there is so much more to how food fuels our body, portion control, and which foods are really healthful and which just pretend they are (can we say fat-free foods??).  I have learned all of this from doing Beachbody programs!  I have also recommended programs to my friends and family and have seen them get amazing results as well, and I want to help more people do that.  I know how great I feel, I know that I have gotten amazing results--why wouldn't I want to help other people do the same?

In a nutshell, my 'why' is that I want other people to have the same success and positive outlook on fitness and nutrition that I do.  I love to work out (no really, I do!) and I look forward to it everyday.  If I don't work out, I feel bad!  I want other people to find their soulmate workout and love being fit and healthy.  I want to help other people understand food and get the most out of what you eat, while still enjoying it!  Healthy food does not have to be boring or gross.  It's actually really delicious and I will be posting pictures and recipes on my blog of what I eat everyday!  The best part is, it's simple once you get the hang of it!  I want to inspire others, bring them motivation, and help them on their own fitness journey.  And most of all, I want others to love the feeling that they get when they are successful with a workout program and know that the reason they have gotten results is because of their hard work and dedication!

My 'why' is also my job as a coach.  It is not to sell you something you don't want.  It is not to make you feel pressured into anything.  It is not to make you feel inundated with information that you don't want and/or care about.  It is to help bring people, just like you, to fitness.  It is to lead groups to hold you accountable in your workouts and eating, and to give you the opportunity to motivate and be motivated by others.  It is letting you know that you don't have to do this alone.  It is tough--but when you are surrounded by others who support you and are working towards a common goal, it gets easier!  It is to give you information about nutrition, fitness, and health.  My job is to help you in any way I can and I can't wait to start doing that!

If you have any questions about health, fitness, nutrition, or you are ready to find the workout program that is best for you, please do not hesitate to comment here, send me a message on facebook, or email me at  I look forward to helping you on your fitness journey soon!


  1. That's awesome that you are sharing your love of fitness! I am hoping to have some MORE success with the 21 Day Fix. After that, I will need your advice as to what to try next!

    1. You are so amazing, Natalie! I can't wait to see the results you get from doing the Fix again!

  2. That's awesome that you are sharing your love of fitness! I am hoping to have some MORE success with the 21 Day Fix. After that, I will need your advice as to what to try next!
