Monday, July 18, 2016

Why am I not seeing results?

Hi, everyone!  Today I'm going to talk to you about why you may not be seeing results, even though you're eating right and working out.
Not reaching your goals can be very frustrating and can even make us think about giving up (you're not going to do that, though!).  Here are some things to double-check if you're not seeing the changes you desire.

  1. Diet:  This is first because it is the biggest.  Diet and nutrition are so important to seeing results and living a healthy life!  When I say diet here I'm not talking about being on a diet--I'm talking about what you're eating.  Make sure that you're not eating too much food and that you're eating the right proportions.  Conversely, make sure that you're eating enough food!  That sounds so strange to some of us because we think "food=fat" but if you're not eating enough, your body will hold on to what is already there to use as energy.  Familiarize yourself with the different food groups* and what foods belong in each group.  Drink enough water throughout the day.  You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces, each day.  You should be eating clean at least 90% of the time (and if you're really pushing yourself and want to see fast results with a program, it should be about 98%).  When you do that, that's when you'll really begin to see results.
  2. Workout:  Secondly, let's talk about what workout you're doing.  Is it the right one for you?  Once you find a workout or a program* that you like, that is fun, and is on your level (not too hard but not too easy, either) you need to do it!  Everyday!  When you're doing the workout, make sure you're not letting your mind wander and you are focused on the workout.  Give 100% every day to see results.
  3. Time:  I don't know about you, but when I start something, I want to see results right away.  As soon as I set my goals for a workout program, I start looking in the mirror on day 2 to see if I have more definition.  What do I think is going to happen in two days??  This is a big mistake that we can make that can be detrimental to our success.  In order to see results, we have to allow some time to go by.  If a workout is 21 days, work out and eat right the entire 21 days and then check out your results.  There is nothing wrong with taking before, middle, and after pictures so you can make comparisons, but don't get discouraged if you're not seeing results right away.  Even with workouts that are 30-, 60-, or even 90-day programs, you may end up seeing the most results when you're in the last week or so.  Remember, it took longer than a few weeks to put it on, it will take longer than that to take it off.  
  4. Goals:  Absolutely you should make goals* for yourself!  The best way to measure success is to make goals, reach them, and then surpass them.  Just make sure that your goals are realistic and are right for you.  Don't look at someone else for your goals.  Find out what you want out of a workout and eating plan and make goals based on what you want to achieve.  It is better to say, "In the first 30 days of this workout program, I hope to lose 10 pounds" rather than "I want to lose 50 pounds."  Make sure your goals are specific and not too easy or difficult to reach.
  5. Comparison:  Oh, man, this is a tricky trap to fall into and I'm sure we've all been there.  I know I have!  "Well, why isn't this workout giving me abs like it did her?" I may have said at one time.  Instead, it is better to look at what you have accomplished and how far you have come.  Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare your new self to your old self.  (Mind blown, right?!)  Think about how your old self felt, looked, and acted.  Then, think about how your new self feels, looks, and acts.  Chances are, if you've been doing your workout routinely and following a clean eating meal plan, you will have improved in all areas!
  6. Be Honest:  Okay, this sounds simple enough, but sometimes we don't even know that we're lying to ourselves!  You might think that you're eating clean, but then you think back and realize you had a treat meal three times last week.  When you really think about how frequently you've been working out, you've skipped a couple of days or when you have worked out, you haven't given it your all.  Being truly honest with yourself is going to help you figure out where you're really struggling and where you may need to step up your game!
  7. Talk to a Doctor:  After you have really looked at your workout program, your eating habits, and you've been 100% honest with yourself and you're still not seeing results, it may be time to talk to your doctor.  If you're working out hard and eating as clean as possible and you're still not seeing results, that could mean you have an underlying medical condition. 
There is no easy way to do this or else everyone would do it.  But you, you belong to a special group of people who have decided that they want to take control of and make a difference in their health, fitness, and overall wellness.  It takes hard work, dedication, and the knowledge that you are worth it!  If you have any questions or just need some motivation and support, I am here for you! Now go make yourself something healthy and tasty to eat and plan the time for your next workout!

*I have written blog posts about these topics, so be sure to check them out if you want more information!
Understanding food categories and what they do for our bodies
How to find the right workout program for you
How to get and stay motivated The first section is about setting goals.

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