Saturday, September 17, 2016

Insanity Max :30 Day 1 Review: Cardio Challenge

I apologize for not being as active on my blog as of late.  I'm just getting into the swing of things with school and trying to figure all that out.  It's definitely much different than what I'm used to, but it's coming along!

I told you I would be doing reviews of Insanity Max :30 and today is day 1.  The workout is Cardio Challenge and by the name alone, you know you are in for it.  This is also considered the IM30 "fit test."  Insanity had an official fit test in which you were tasked with doing as many reps of a particular move in 1 minute as you could.  This fit test is a little different.  Each time you do this workout, see if you can beat your previous "max out" time (this is really the goal of each workout in the program).  If you can, you're a rock star!  Even if it's one second longer, you're doing a great job!

Every workout in this program is extremely intense and requires a lot of cardiovascular and muscular endurance.  Shaun T is inviting you to max out in these workouts (go as long as you can and then write down your time) and take breaks when needed.  There is also a modifier (Danielle) who does all of the moves low impact, but still brings the intensity.  Even if you are modifying, you will still get amazing results and you will still max out.

Workout:  Cardio Challenge
Time:  30 minutes, plus the cool down/stretch
Equipment:  None.  There is no equipment required in this entire program.  You may want to grab a mat for some of the floor ab work, but it is optional.

Each of the workouts is set up like this:  you do a warm-up, you do a few circuits with (short) breaks in between, you cool down.

  • Chest Open Jack:  a jumping jack with your arms together in front of your face and then out.
  • Jack Uppercut:  jumping jack with alternating upper cuts.
  • 1, 2, 3 Knee:  just what it says:  shuffle 1, 2, 3 times to the right then lift the knee, then back the other way.
  • Cross Jack:  a jumping jack with feet crossing front and back and arms alternating up and down.
  • High-Knee Jab:  high knees with an alternating jab.
Repeat the moves to finish the warm-up.  You will do an active stretch where you do a few bends and stretches, grab some water, and mentally and physically prepare yourself for what's to come.

Circuit 1:
  • Squat Kick-R:  go into a squat then as you come up, kick the right leg out straight, repeat.
  • Pike-Up Spider-R:  keep your legs straight and then bring your feet in and lift your hips into a pike, then go back into plank and bring your right foot up to your right hand, repeat.
  • 10 and 2:  turn to the right and punch, then twist your body around to the left and punch.
  • Squat Kick-L:  same as above but kick with the left leg.
  • Pike-Up Spider-L:  same as above, but bring the left foot up to the left hand.
  • 10 and 2
  • Squat Kick-Alt.:  squat, right kick out, squat, left kick out.
  • Pike-Up Spider-Alt.:  pike, right foot to right hand, pike, left foot to left hand.
  • 10 and 2
Time for a water break for 30 seconds and then on to...

Circuit 2:
  • Medicine Ball Twist:  pretend that you're holding a medicine ball in your hands above your head and bring it down to your right hip when you do a jumping back, repeat and bring hands to left hip.
  • Plank Jack In and Out:  in a plank position, jack your feet out and in, then bring your feet in towards your chest and back out to plank, repeat.
  • 4 Jabs 4 High-Knees:  just what it says:  4 jabs crossing the body, then 4 high knees.
Repeat the circuit 2 more times and then you get another 30 second rest.  We are now about half way through the workout.  Ummmm, what???

Circuit 3:
  • Plyo Power Knee-R:  putting your weight on your right leg, pull the left leg in towards your chest as fast as you can while hopping your right foot in and out.
  • Scissor Stance Jack:  how can we describe this one without just saying that it is terrible:  in a squat position, touch your left hand down to your right foot, then jump up off the ground and cross your legs while you're in the air, bringing your arms up to your chest and then back into squat and go to the left side.
  • Shoulder Tap In and Out:  in the plank position, jack your feet out and in and as you do this, tap your shoulder with your hand, alternating sides.
  • Plyo Power Knee-L:  same as above, but weight is on the left leg.
  • Scissor Stance Jack
  • Shoulder Tap In and Out
  • Plyo Power Knee L and R:  same as above, but do half the time on the right leg and half the time on the other leg.
  • Scissor Stance Jack
  • Shoulder Tap In and Out
This is a pretty ridiculous round.  In this circuit Shaun maxes out and then loving screams, "I'm back, bitches!" when he returns.  At least he makes us laugh while he's killing us.  Gotta love him.  Another 30 second break after this circuit.

Circuit 4:
  • Slap Back Jack:  while doing a jumping jack, cross your arms behind your back and then in the front.
  • Suicide Burpee:  okay, what.  is.  going.  on????  "run" three times to the right, go down into a burpee, "run" back to the left, burpee, etc.  At one point throughout this circuit Shaun does say "burPEE" in a really funny way, so be waiting for that for a slight chuckle.  Other than that, prepare for tears and sweat.
  • Plank Speed Knee Tap-R:  in a plank position, bring your right knee up towards your chest as fast as you can, keeping your back flat.
  • Slap Back Jack
  • Suicide Burpee
  • Plank Speed Knee Tap-L:  same as above, but the left leg this time.
  • Slap Back Jack
  • Suicide Burpee
  • Mountain Climbers:  alternating knees into the chest.
30 seconds for a water break and then oh my sweet mercy, another circuit?!?!  Okay, but this is the last one.

Circuit 5:
  • Chair Squat:  down low in a chair squat with feet together, arms up, jack the feet out and touch the floor, repeat.
  • Football Run:  moving your feet as fast as you can, turn right, back to center, turn left, back to center, move right, move left, back down into "set" (which is like a position you would be in when you're getting ready to sprint) and then jump up into a sprint, repeat.
  • 2 Jab 2 Tuck Jumps:  okay, no, just NO!  Two jabs to the right, two tuck jumps in the center, two jabs to the left, two tuck jumps in the center, repeat.
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.  Then you are ready for the cool down.  You earned it!  Do not skip the cool down.  It is very important to stretch the body and since you just did an intense cardio workout, you need time to let the heart rate come down.

Whooooooooooooo wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  This is one tough workout!  If you can even start this workout, you are amazing.  Make sure to record your time every day when you workout so that you know what time you are working towards the next time you do it.  Do not be afraid to max out!  Most likely you will!  Just know it's okay to take breaks, they make you stronger, and get ready for the next day of Max 30!!

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