Saturday, January 7, 2017

Catching up, again

Well, well, well.  Once again it has been too long since I have posted on my blog.  I have made a goal for myself:  to post to my blog at least once a week.  I am hoping for two posts, but it will depend on how lazy I feel how busy my schedule is. 

I am not one for making resolutions.  They are just too damn easy to break.  Sure, it's great to be gung-ho about everything for the first, what?, three days of the new year and then it's back into the old rut.  I am choosing not to do that this year:  not with my professional goals, personal goals, or fitness and health goals.

You see, I have this pattern:  do really well with clean eating and working out, love the results and how I look and feel, and then I fall off the wagon, only to undo all of my hard work.  I am making a goal for myself this year.  I am not going to do that anymore.  I am going to try to live a more balanced lifestyle of eating what I want in moderation and then eating clean the rest of the time.  I can do that, right?  RIGHT?  Okay, right.

So, in an effort to help me do this, I am going to use my blog as more of a personal journey of fitness and nutrition.  I will be posting my workouts and recipes as usual, but I'm also going to be putting in more of my personal accomplishments and struggles.

One of the accomplishments I would like to share with you is that I have started up a "like" page on facebook.  If you like my posts on facebook and are following my fitness journey there, this is where all of my posts are going to go pretty soon.  If you'd like to continue to see what I'm doing day-to-day, keep up with my groups, get recipes, and get links to my blog posts, that's where you can find them!  Here is the link to follow me on facebook:

Now, to let you know a little bit about what I've got going on for the next few months:
  • Next weekend, I am going to see Shaun T with one of my friends who just started working out last year and is KILLING it!  We are super excited!
  • My latest accountability group starts January 9th.  If you would like to join, there is still time by signing up for Beachbody on Demand!
  • Also starting January 9 is another round of Beachbody's Health Bet.  How awesome is it that we can get paid by bettering our health and fitness?!
  • After much deliberation, I have decided on my next program (drum roll, please):  21 Day Fix Extreme.  I need to get my behind back into shape after my vacation and then a continuation of the vacation when I got home.  After that I'm going to do the 30-day Chisel calendar to build some more muscle!
 So, that's about it for my right now.  I hope everyone has had a great first week of 2017.  Only 51 more weeks of this year to make it the best ever!

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