Monday, July 11, 2016

How to find the right workout program for you

Hello, all!  It is a lovely, rainy day here in Wilmington and I am very glad I don't have to go out and head to the gym to do my workout!  That is one of the major perks of working out at home--I don't have to go anywhere!  Today I want to talk a little bit about how to find the right workout program for you.  After all, if you don't like a workout, you're probably not going to do it and fitness should be fun!  You shouldn't dread doing your workout every day. 

With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming when trying to find a program that works for you.  And let's be honest:  how much can you really find out about a program by reading a brief description online?  Not to mention the fact that there are so many opinions that are biased and just talk about how great the workout is without really saying anything about what it entails.  Let me share with you some things to consider when looking for a workout program.
  1. Think about what you like to do.  If you like to run and do cardio, find a cardio-based workout.  If you like to play sports, find a training program like Asylum.  If you like lifting weights, find a program that focuses on that.  Whatever you like to do, I promise, there is program out there for you! 
  2. Think about your goals.  We already talked about writing down your goals.  Once you know what they are, you can start to get more information about programs that focus on helping you reach those goals.  If you want to increase flexibility, you would get a workout that incorporates a lot of flexibility training.  If you want to gain muscle, a program that is primarily strength-training would be for you.
  3. Be honest with yourself about your ability level.  Okay, this is a tricky one.  What exactly I mean by this is two-fold.  First, if you are a beginner, don't jump into an advanced program.  You will get frustrated, won't see results, and won't finish the program.  Same goes if you are advanced.  Doing a beginning program may not give you what you're looking for in terms of results.  But, that doesn't mean you have to label yourself and limit yourself to only specific workouts.  A beginner can modify more advanced workouts and work up to the next level and an advanced exerciser can use a less-intense program to take a break from intense workouts.  Just know what level you are and what level the workout is before you start.  Second, once you have started the program, do not cheat yourself!  Don't say, "Oh, I can't do that, I'm just starting out" or "I can't lift that heavy!"  You will be surprised how much you can actually do and how strong you are.  Take a risk and do one or two reps and then modify if you have to.  This will give you more confidence and take you to the next level faster!   
  4. Take into consideration the length of the workouts and the length of the program.  Determine how much time you are willing to commit to a workout program.  There are 21-, 30-, 60-, 90-, even 120-day programs.  Think about how much time you want to give yourself to get results and how long you can commit to a particular program without getting bored.  Also, be honest with yourself about how much time you have in your day to work out.  If you only have 30 minutes, don't get a program where each workout is an hour.  You can get a fantastic workout in a short amount of time if you pick the program that best matches your needs and go hard the entire time.
  5. Find out what equipment you'll need.  You've spent the money on the program, so the last thing you want to do is spend hundreds of dollars on equipment.  Most at-home programs require minimal equipment, but before you start, make sure you have what you'll need or know that you will have to make further purchases to complete your program.
To me, it makes sense to talk to someone who has done the program you are interested in to get more information.  Fortunately for you, I have been your guinea pig and tried out a multitude of at-home programs.  I have done just about every Beachbody program there is (or my husband has) so I can help guide you to making the right choice.  Plus, I've done other programs that are not Beachbody so I can help you with those, too!

Remember:  once you commit to a workout program, the way to see results is to do it!  You've made the decision, you've invested the money, you've set goals, now make a promise to yourself that you aren't going to throw all that away and not do the program.  Something like 90% of people who start a program don't finish it.  What??!?  Don't be one of those people!  Be the 10% who finish and do it 100%.  The only person you fail when you don't do it is yourself.  Treat yourself positively and do something good for your fitness and health!

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