Saturday, August 6, 2016

Quick and Easy Lunch: Egg Salad Sandwich

I love making hard-boiled eggs on Sunday and eating them throughout the week in a variety of ways:  on a salad, as a snack, or to make egg salad, like in this recipe.  You can add another slice of bread; this recipe will make an open-faced sandwich.

Egg Salad Sandwich
1 serving
Sorry for the half-eaten sandwich--I realized I hadn't taken a picture until after I started eating!
2 hard-boiled eggs*
2 t light mayo
1/2 t Dijon mustard
1/2 t dried parsley (or 1 T fresh)
dash paprika
black pepper, to taste
1 slice whole-wheat bread
 lettuce and tomato

Put eggs into a bowl and chop up with a fork.  Add remaining ingredients to eggs and mix to combine.  Top bread with lettuce and tomato, as desired, and then top with egg salad.  Serve with carrot, cucumber, or bell pepper slices and fruit for a full meal.

*To cook hard-boiled eggs, put as many eggs as you wish in to a pot that is large enough to hold the eggs and cover them completely with water.  Turn the burner on high and bring the water to a boil.  As soon as the water begins to boil, turn off the burner and move the pot off the heat.  Let sit in hot water for about 9-10 minutes.  Drain water off of the eggs and put immediately into a cold water bath.  It is best if eggs can cool completely before peeling.  Keep eggs, in the shell, in the water bath until ready to use.  


  1. Replies
    1. Hi! I'm not 100% as I don't use the containers, but my best guess would be 1 red (2 eggs), 1 yellow (1 slice whole wheat bread), 2 tsps (mayo, but you could reduce to 1 to save), part of 1 green (lettuce) and you can add veggies to make it 1 green, whatever 1 slice of tomato is of a purple (and again, I would add fruit to complete the purple for the meal).
