Sunday, February 26, 2017

21 Day Fix BOD Exclusive: Remix the Fix Dirty Dozen Review

Hello, all!

I hope that you are enjoying your weekend!  Today I am going to bring you a review for a Beachbody on Demand exclusive workout.  That's right--there are certain workouts that are ONLY available if you have BOD and right now, for just a few more days, you can get the most amazing deal in fitness:  one year's worth of BOD, including EVERY Beachbody program that there is for just $99.95.  This is only for 2 more days, so if you're interested, HURRY!

There are two bonus workouts that Autumn created exclusively for BOD called Remix the Fix.  I decided to try Dirty Dozen when I was between workout programs.  This workout incorporates weights into every move while the other workout, Cardio Core Fix, requires no equipment.  As with all 21 Day Fix workouts, there is a modifier in both of these workouts, too.  They are also both around 30 minutes.

You will recognize some familiar cast members if you have done the Fix and/or Extreme.  While 21DF could be classified as beginning/intermediate, I would definitely characterize these workouts as intermediate with some moves even more challenging than that.  As with all workouts, push yourself but know your limits, and do not sacrifice form.  That is always the most important thing to remember!

One thing I will say about both of these workouts is that some of these moves are complicated.  They are complex and it is difficult to understand them in words, ya just gotta see them to do them!  Now, let's get to the workout review!

Today's workout:  Dirty Dozen

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Tomorrow you'll be glad you did this today."

Equipment:  2 sets of weights (light and heavy), mat (optional)

Total Workout Time:  33:32

Set up:  6 circuits, 2 exercises each circuit, repeated, 45 seconds per exercise followed by a 15 second rest between each move

Warm-up (about 3 minutes--this is the same warm-up from the 21 Day Fix workouts):  jog, jumping jacks, windmills (arm circles front and back), over the tops (side lunge and reach overhead to the side right and left), alternating toe taps (legs straight, touch opposite toe); repeat.

Circuit 1:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Traveling Curtsy Squat:  holding weights at your side, drop into a squat, then go into a curtsy lunge with the right foot back, then into a squat, curtsy lunge back.  You kind of move around in a box with this one and it was definitely confusing the first time I did it!
I'm not sure why my face looks like something out of The Ring here.

Lunge Row with Crunch: with one knee forward and bent, back leg out straight, you row your weights up to your chest and then bring the leg that is out straight into your stomach for a crunch, then back out straight and repeat.
Repeat the circuit with the opposite leg bent and forward on the lunge row with crunch.

Circuit 2:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Squat Press Sumo: hold your weights at your side and do a squat, come up to standing and lift your arms overhead for a press, lower weights and then step one leg back into a sumo (you're going to be facing the side of the room, not the front), come up, step forward and go back into squat.  Then you will go back with the other foot to do a sumo to the other side of the room and then back to squat.
Push-up Side Plank:  do a push-up, then go into a side plank by turning your body and facing on side of the room and lifting your arm up into the air, then back down into a push-up, side plank to the other side.
Repeat the circuit.

Circuit 3:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Squat Side Lunge:  legs are wider than hip width, bring the weights down towards the ground in front of you as you do a squat, then move weights in front of your shin as you lunge to the right, back to squat, lunge to the left.  You stay low the entire time and never truly come out of the squat/lunge position.

Zs:  laying on the floor, bend your knees, and put your hands on the floor in front of your body; do a push-up and then drive your top hip up.
Repeat the circuit with the other hip on top on the Zs.

Circuit 4:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Front Angle Lunge with Lift:  hold weights at your side and step your left foot forward, at an angle, into a lunge, bring the foot that is forward back and up into a knee.  This move requires a lot of balance!
Front Back Fly Lift :  standing, do a front raise, then bend into a deadlift and do a fly with your arms going out to the side and lifting towards the ceiling.
Repeat the circuit with the right leg forward on the lunge with lift.

Circuit 5:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Kneeling Hip Thrust:  down on the ground, knees bent and upper body up straight, hold your weights at your shoulders (or at your hips) and push your butt back down towards your heels, come up and squeeze the glutes.  They will be burning after this one!

Bicep Hinge: on the floor (or, if modifying, standing) in the same position as when you started the Kneeling Hip Thrust, lean backwards keeping your back flat and do a bicep curl.  This one is very difficult!  It reminds me of a move in Pilates Fix Extreme where you lean very far back and push the band forward.  Your upper thighs and biceps will be on fire.
Repeat the circuit.  This is a tough one! 

Circuit 6:  2 exercises, repeated, 45 seconds each
Punching Russian Twist: sitting in a c-sit position, lean back and punch the weight across your body, alternating arms.  You definitely want to use a lighter weight here.
Seated Side Oblique Crunch: legs out, knees bent, holding the weight on both sides up in the air, you will lean back towards the ground and do a twist, keeping the weight up in the air.  Again, choose a lighter weight here.
Repeat the circuit.

Cooldown:  1:48

Personal Opinions:  This workout is awesome!  It is definitely a challenge to both the body and the mind.  It was a tad frustrating doing it the first time because I didn't know the moves, but I figured them out!  I also like that each move was 45 seconds.  It doesn't seem like it, but that 15 seconds makes a big difference! 
Difficulty:  5/5 The reason I gave this one a 5 out of 5 for difficulty was mostly due to the complexity of a lot of the moves.  Most of them had more than one movement and that can be confusing and, as I said above, is definitely a challenge for the body and the mind!  Also, most of the moves required the use of weights. 
Enjoyment:  4.5/5  Fun, sweaty workout.  I took off 1/2 a star because of the trickiness of some of the moves.  It was fun, though!
Overall:  4.8/5