Wednesday, July 27, 2016

21 Day Fix Day 4 Review: Pilates Fix

This is the first of two "active recovery" days in the 21 Day Fix program.  Pilates focuses on stretching the muscles so you can get long and lean.  The most important aspect of Pilates is the breathing.  Take short, quick breaths and exhale on the movement.

Thursday's Workout:  Pilates Fix

Image result for dog doing pilates meme
I'm pretty sure I looked like this the entire time.
Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Believe in yourself right now"
Because if you don't, who else will?

Equipment:  Mat (optional)

Total Workout Time:  32:56

Set up:  There are four series (serieses?  serii?) in this workout.  Depending on the movement, you will either do the exercise for 1 minute or for a set number of reps.

Warm-up (just over 4 minutes):  Since this is a breath-focused workout, you need to start practicing that in the warm-up.  This is not the typical Autumn warm-up.
Start seated, legs crossed, arms by your side.  Arms up and down, then up and down with a twist, rock side to side with arm overhead, legs straight out and roll down to touch toes.  Turn over to hands and knees and do cat/cow (round and arch back alternating), then bird dog (one arm out, opposite leg out and switch), child's pose, back to bird dog but this time add a crunch (pull opposite arm and leg in together at core).

Series 1:  Core
100s (1 minute):  lay flat on the floor, legs straight, lift up slightly so shoulders are off the mat, arms by your sides.  Lower legs slightly, quickly pulse arms up and down, exhaling on each movement.
Single Leg Stretch (1 minute):  lay flat on the floor, one leg bent in towards chest, the other leg lowered down, lift up slightly so shoulders are off the mat.  Pull bent in to your chest with 2 pulses, breathing out quickly as you do so.  Switch and repeat with other leg.
Scissors (1 minute):  lay flat on the floor, one leg straight up towards the ceiling, the other lowered down, lift up slightly so shoulders are off the mat.  Pull straight leg into your chest with 2 pulses, breathing out quickly as you do so.  Switch and repeat with other leg.
Leg Lowers (1 minute):  lay flat on the floor, both legs straight up to the ceiling, toes slightly turned out and heels touching.  Lower legs towards the ground, making sure not to arch your back and contract abs to pull legs back up.
Alternating Leg Lifts (1 minute):  in a plank position (hands under shoulders, feet together, back flat, core tight), lift up the right leg and then the left, making sure not to round your back or sink down.
Knee pulls (35 seconds):  in plank position, bring one knee in towards chest, making sure not to round your back.  Repeat with other knee.
Toe taps (24 seconds):  in plank position, tap one toe out to the side, making sure not to round your back.  Alternate legs.

Series 2:  C-sit position
To get in this position, sit with your knees bent and slightly lean back to 45° (you should feel your core engaged).
C-center Arms Up (1 minute):  in the c-sit position, extend your arms above your head.  Contract your abs to lower down and then extend your back to sit up straight.
C-center Twist (1 minute):  just as with the previous exercise, except this time you will twist and tap your hand back to the right, sit up straight, and repeat to the left.
Knee Drivers (29 seconds):  in the c-sit position, bring your hands in front of you and contract one knee in at a time, alternating.

Series 3:  Lower  (For this series, you will do 10 reps of each exercise on one leg and then switch to the other)
Start by getting into position.  Lay flat on one side, propping your head up on your hand.  Create a 45° angle with your legs, meaning, instead of being straight out, bring your legs up slightly so they face more towards the front of the room than the side.  Keep your legs together, back straight, and core tight.
Two-way Kicks:  bring the top leg forward with a flexed foot two times quickly, back with a pointed toe two times quickly.
Bicycle-front:  bring your top leg up into your chest, straighten out in front of you, bring to the back with a bent knee, like you're riding a large bike.
Bicycle-back:  same move as before, now you bring the leg back first and then to the front.
Mix the Bowl-front:  move your leg forward in a small circle
Mix the Bowl-back:  repeat move but circle backward this time
Stir the Pot-front:  like mix the bowl, but make a big circle to the front
Stir the Pot-back:  same as above, this time move your leg backward in a circle
Double Taps:  bring top leg up, tap toe two times, bring top leg back, tap toe two times
Repeat series on the other leg

Series 4:  Back  (For this series you will do 10 reps of each exercise)
Superman:  lay flat on the floor, legs and arms out straight.  Simultaneously lift arms and legs, contracting the back.
Lift and Rotate:  lay flat on the floor, legs and arms out straight.  Lift arms and legs and bring one arm to tap the upper thigh.  Repeat with other arm.
Swim:  alternate lifting one arm and the opposite leg and repeat (you can do this slowly or with short, quick movements)

Series 5:  Plank
Plank Hold (1 minute):  get in a plank position on your hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders aligned, feet together, back flat, core tight.  Stay there!
Hip Drops (1 minute):  lower to elbows in the plank position and alternate dropping your right and left hip to the ground.
10 Second Plank (1 minute):  back up in plank position, stay there for 10 seconds, then drop down for 3 seconds, then push back up for 10 seconds and repeat.  Autumn cues this so just follow her lead.

Cooldown (approximately 3 minutes)

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  While Pilates may not be "my thing" I do enjoy that there is an active recovery in here during the week.  Plus, I know that Pilates is an amazing workout and you are building long, lean muscles with this kind of workout.  It gives you a good stretch and a chance for your muscles to relax and rebuild. 
Difficulty: 3.5/5 Cardiovascular-wise, this workout is cake.  But!  You will be using muscles, still, in that plank section especially.  If you are new to Pilates, the biggest challenge will probably be form and breathing.  I have done Pilates before (anyone else remember the old Winsor Pilates workouts on VHS?  No?  Just me?  Okay.) so that part was easier for me than someone who is brand new to this type of workout.
Enjoyment:  3/5  Not exactly my cup of tea, but I don't hate it.  Of course, this is personal opinion--this may end up being your favorite in the program!
Overall:  4/5  I think it gets the job done and serves its purpose.  It's a nice break for the muscles before we start pounding them again tomorrow!

1 comment:

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