Sunday, July 31, 2016

21 Day Fix Additional Workout Review: 10 Minute Fix for Abs

Howdy!  This review is for the extra workout that comes with the program called 10 Minute Abs.  You can add this workout on to any day of the week, just make sure that you're giving yourself a day in between focused ab work to let the muscles rebuild and recover.

Any Day's Workout (I like to do this M/W/F or T/Th/S):  10 Minute Fix for Abs

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Earn the body you want"
It doesn't come for free, people.

Equipment: mat (optional)

Total Workout Time:  10:23

Set up:  20 reps each exercise, repeated, plus 2 bonus moves

Table-top:  crunches with knees bent to 90°
Crunches with right leg:  bring one knee into the chest, the other leg straight out and lowered down as far as you can without raising your lower back off the mat

Crunches with left leg:  same as above, but other leg is extended
Cross Crunch:  legs straight up in the air, alternate touching your fingers to your toes
Tap Crunches:  back in table top position, lower toes to the floor
Twist Crunches-right:  one knee bent, other ankle on the knee, opposite hand behind your head, other arm out straight

Twist Crunches-left:  same as above, just switch legs and arms
Obliques-left:  keeping chest towards the ceiling, hands behind your head, lower knees to one side stacked on top of each other and bring elbow towards knees, contracting abs

Obliques-right:  same as above, but bring knees to the other side
Bicycles:  hands behind your head, bring one knee in to chest at a time, alternating

Ankle Crosses (20 reps):  legs out straight, rest on your elbows behind you, cross your ankles quickly
Flutter Kicks (20 reps):  legs out straight, rest on your elbows behind you, quickly alternate lifting legs up and down

Cooldown:  stretch back to length abs

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  This workout is a great addition to put into your rotation.  It is focused on the core and if you are doing the moves correctly, you will really feel it!
Difficulty: 4/5 I definitely felt this in my core.  The crunches with the leg extended are, by far, the hardest move for me.  Oooh, it burns!
Enjoyment:  5/5  It feels good to work the abs and you know you will have worked them because you will feel them working!
Overall:  5/5  Quick, effective workout!

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 2 Review: Upper Fix Extreme

It's time to work the arms!  In this workout, you're going to use both dumbbells and a resistance band.  This workout is set up a little differently:  instead of doing a move for 30 seconds or 1 minutes, you'll do each move for a minute, but do 30 seconds with a heavy weight and then switch to a lighter weight for the last 30 seconds.

Tuesday's Workout:  Upper Fix Extreme

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Build a body you're proud of"

Equipment:  2 sets of weights (light and heavy), resistance band

Total Workout Time:  33:45

Set up:  3 circuits, 4 exercises each circuit, repeated, 1 minute per exercise

Warm-up (about 1 and a half minutes):  jog, step back right and left, roll shoulders back, roll shoulders front, side lunge right and left, front lunge with a twist right and left, alternating kick and touch your toe.

Circuit 1:  4 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Push-up:  in plank position, feet together, arms just shoulder-width apart and wrists, elbows, and shoulders in line, flat back, abs in.  Lower chest down to the ground, elbows going out, push back up to plank position.
Wide-grip Lunge-R: in a lunge position, bend your upper body to 45° and bring weights down in front of your leg.  Pull weights up to your chest, bending your elbows and contracting your back.  Release arms back down.  Repeat for 30 seconds with heavy weight, then switch to light for 30 seconds.

Chest Flys:  lay on your back, feet on the floor with knees bent, weights directly above the chest, together.  Slowly lower weights to the side and squeeze chest to bring them back together.  30 seconds with heavy weight, then switch to light for 30 seconds.
Band Lat Pull:  hold the band tight, keep arms slightly bent and hold above your head and forward slightly.  Pull right and left for 30 seconds and then both arms for 30 seconds.
Repeat Circuit

Circuit 2:  4 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Military Press:  standing with feet shoulder-width apart, bring weights to your shoulders and push up and overhead, 30 seconds with heavy, 30 seconds with light.
Twisted Abs: in seated position, lean back slightly until abs engage.  Hold your weight by the ends and twist to the left, tapping the weight on the floor, then twist and tap to the other side.
Post Delt Fly:  standing tall, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the resistance band tight, arms length and at chest level.  Pull band on each side, contracting your back muscles, for 30 seconds; hold for 30 seconds.
Dolphins:  in plank position on your forearms, rock back while pushing weight into your heels and lift up your glutes to the ceiling; go back to plank position, trying not to rock forward past your elbows.

Repeat Circuit

Circuit 3:  4 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Hammer Curl:  standing with feet together, weights at your hips, facing the head of the dumbbells forward, curl arms in and up to shoulders and then back down; 30 seconds with heavy weights, 30 with light.
Tricep Dips:  sit with your feet hip-width apart, arms shoulder distance apart, fingers pointing towards your feet, push up on your feet and hands and lift hips as high up as you can.  Bend elbows and lower your body with both feet on the floor for 30 seconds, left one leg and continue bending elbows for 15 seconds, then switch to the other leg for remaining 15 seconds.
Concentrated Bicep Curl:  get into squat position and bend down so your right elbow can rest in your inner thigh.  Pick up heavy weight and curl it up to your shoulder for 30 seconds, then pick up light weight for 30 seconds.

Tricep Kickback:  stand with feet hip-width apart, holding weights and bend knees so you are at a 45°.  Pull weights up to your chest and push weights back until arms are straight.
Repeat Circuit

Cooldown:  (just less than a minute) stretch the arms

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  I like that this workout is broken down into circuits that work the the different muscles of the upper body.  I also really like the change in weight half way through; you know you only have to get through 30 seconds with the heavy weight before you switch to the lighter weight.  If you up the weights, you can really get a good, difficult workout.
Difficulty: 5/5  Using heavy weights, focusing on the muscle group worked, and using the resistance band can make this extremely difficult. 
Enjoyment:  4/5  I'm not a big fan of working the arms, but this workout goes by fast enough to where it didn't feel like we were just doing curls endlessly.
Overall:  5/5  This is a tough workout that works every muscle in the upper body, including the abs.  Challenging and comprehensive!

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 3 Review: Pilates Fix Extreme

Back to Pilates--this time it's in the middle of the week giving us a little break between the upper and lower body.  In the Extreme, Autumn incorporates the use of the resistance band for even more difficult core, leg, and back work.  Although this is an active recovery day, you will be working!

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Train with a purpose, eat with a plan"

Equipment:  resistance band, Mat (optional)

Total Workout Time:  32:28

Set up:  Just like in Pilates Fix, there are series in this workout instead of circuits.  There are four of them, each move is 1 minute.

Warm-up (2:20):  Another workout that has a different warm-up.  It involves warming up the spine and practicing breathing and core control.  Start in a standing position and roll down, one vertebrae at a time, doing so a few times.  Then roll down and walk out to plank, walk back and roll back up to standing.  Walk out into plank and tap knees, alternating.  In plank position, arch back towards ceiling and then push chest out towards the floor, sit back into child's pose and then stretch one arm under your body and then the opposite arm.

Series 1:  CoreThese moves are similar to those in Pilates Fix, but you will now be using the resistance band.  Wrap the band around both shoes, making sure it is secure and pull up on the handles.  Each move is 1 minute.
Roll Downs:  hold the handles of the band with legs out straight and roll the back down to the ground, one vertebrae at a time.  Roll back up slowly and repeat.
100s:  lay flat on the floor, legs straight, holding the band at the handles, and lower legs as low as you can while keeping your lower back pressed into the mat.  Push the handles down into the floor, breathing as you do.
Circle Teaser:  sitting with your legs straight out, pull the bands into your chest and lift your legs up to table top, resting back on your glutes.  Lean back, pull your arms out to the side, pull your arms and knees into your chest at the same time and sit up.

Frog Leg Drop:  lay flat on the floor,legs straight up in the air, heels touching and toes pointed out.  Pull the bands into your chest and bend knees in toward the chest, lifting shoulders up off the ground. Straighten legs straight into the air and repeat.

Series 2:  C-sit position
To get in this position, sit with your knees bent and slightly lean back to 45° (you should feel your core engaged).
Curve Flat Back: sitting up tall, holding the bands into your chest, lean back into the c-sit position and then straight back up, pushing chest out.
Russian Curve: in the c-sit position, hold the bands into the chest and twist to one side, tapping your hands to the floor, then twist to the other side and tap band to the floor.
Heel Curve:  lean back in the c-sit position, holding the bands to your chest, bend knees and lift legs up, tapping feet in and then wide.

Heel Press:  sit in c-sit position, with the bands pulled in to your chest, and lift legs up into a bent-knee position.  Push feet out, really pressing through your heels, then pull them back into chest.

Series 3:  Lower
For this series of exercises, keep the band wrapped around your feet in the same position as before, making sure it's secure and tight. 
Abductor Lift-R:  lay on your side, legs out straight, and put them at a 45° angle.  Lift your top leg, keeping back straight, and be careful not to swing your hips.
Abductor Lift-L:  repeat the exercise, this time laying on your other side and lifting your left leg.
Bird-dog Press-R:  come onto your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart.  Hold on to the bands tight and push the left arm forward and the right leg back.  Bring hands and legs back to start position but don't let them touch the floor.  This is extremely tough, especially if you have the band tight.

Bird-dog Press-L:  repeat move, this time with the left leg.
Fire Hydrant-R:  get into the same position as the previous move, on hands and knees, band tight.  Lift up your right leg, keeping knee bent, kind of like...a dog peeing on a fire hydrant.  Return to start position.
Fire Hydrant-L:  repeat move, this time with the left leg.
Hamstring Curl-R:  get back into start position on hands and knees, push right leg out straight and then curl your heel in towards your glutes, then out straight again, pushing the heel back.  Try to keep your quad up.  This one will burrrrrrrn.

Hamstring Curl-L:  repeat move, this time with the left leg.

Series 4:  Back 
Superman:  lay flat on the floor, legs out straight and arms bent by your shoulders.  Simultaneously lift arms and legs, contracting the back, and pushing arms out straight to the front.  Another tough move because you really have the band maxed out here.
Swans:  lay flat on the floor, arms bent by your shoulders, legs out with knees slightly bent and heels touching.  Simultaneously lift up the arms and legs and push the band forward.
Camel Front Raise:  get into a kneeling position with your torso up straight and tall.  Hold both handles of the band and lean back on your heels while pushing your hands forward.  Oh, my mercy, this one will do you in for sure.  Good thing it's the last move!

Cooldown (about a minute and a 1/2)

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  Adding in the resistance bands to Pilates makes for a totally new type of workout and a challenge!  Again, this type of exercise isn't my favorite, but I do really feel like all of my muscles are worked.  I don't know how much of a recovery this is--I feel an intense burn on a lot of these moves.
Difficulty: 5/5  Some of these moves, like the first two series aren't too tough.  You do have to use control and have good core strength--remember to practice that breathing!  The leg moves, on the other hand, will have you burning and shaking!  If you really have that band stretched, you will feel this!
Enjoyment:  4/5 As I've said before, I'm not a huge fan of Pilates, but I do like this workout.  It is a challenge and the time goes by quickly.  I especially like the first two series.
Overall:  4/5 Yow!  You are going to be feeling these moves!  While I really do love the addition of the resistance band, if this is supposed to be an active recovery, I feel like it works a lot of muscles.  Of course, Autumn is the expert, so she must know what she's doing, but she doesn't let up much in this Extreme program!

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 4 Review: Lower Fix Extreme

Autumn is back at it again, hammering the lower body.  Today, this b...eautiful lady is going to use weights, bands, and plyometric moves to make sure that we're not able to walk tomorrow.  Let's get going!

Thursday's Workout:  Lower Fix Extreme

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "It's not easy but it's worth it"
No, it's not going to be easy--are we sure it's worth it?  Yikes.

Equipment: a set of light and medium weights, resistance band

Total Workout Time:  33:51

Set up:  4 circuits, 2 exercises each circuit, repeated, 1 minute per exercise

This workout is a little different.  Instead of working on leg on the first go-round and then the other, you work them back to back.  So, you'll do the right leg, the left leg, and then repeat the circuit.  Also, while each move is 1 minute in length, 30 seconds are with weights, and 30 seconds plyometric jumping.

Warm-up (1:33):  jog, step back right and left, roll shoulders back, roll shoulders front, side lunge right and left, front lunge with a twist right and left, alternating kick and touch your toe.

Circuit 1:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Squat Jump:  start in the squat position, holding weights, lower into a squat and back up for 30 seconds; put weights down and continue squat, jump up and lower into squat position for 30 seconds.
Lunge Kick-R:  step into forward lunge position with weights for 30 seconds; put weights down, continue to step forward into lunge but when you push back, kick leg forward at waist height for 30 seconds.

Lunge Kick-L:  repeat move with the other leg forward.

Circuit 2:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
One-legged Squat Jump-R:  start standing on right leg, bend down into squat position, weights at your sides, stand back up for 30 seconds; set weights down and squat down and jump up, landing in squat position for 30 seconds.
One-legged Squat Jump-L:  repeat move on left leg.
Side Lunge Lift-R:  standing with feet together, weights by your side, lower right leg into a lunge, keeping left leg straight for 30 seconds; continue with side lunge, this time lifting up your left leg to hip height for 30 seconds.

Side Lunge Lift-L:  repeat move on opposite side.

Circuit 3:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Sumo Jump: start with feet wider than hip-width apart, weights at your shoulders, lower into sumo squat for 30 seconds; set weights down and lower down into sumo squat, jumping up and landing back down in sumo for 30 seconds.
Lunge Jump-R: step back into lunge with right leg, holding weights at your sides, and bringing feet back together for 30 seconds; set weights down, go into stationary lunge with right leg back and jump, landing in lunge position, for 30 seconds.
Lunge Jump-L:  repeat by lunging forward with left leg with weights then go into a stationary lunge and jump.

Circuit 4:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Band Heel Press: wrap resistance band around each foot, making sure it's secure and hold on to handles.  Get on hands and knees and push right heel back for 30 seconds, then switch to left heel for 30 seconds.

Lateral Band Walk:  stand on the band, cross it, and hold the handles, get into squat position and move two steps to the right, then two steps back to the left.  Make sure to keep the band tight the entire time.

Cooldown:  just over 1 minute

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  What in the--this woman is not playing around.  This is work every single muscle in your lower body, even the ones you didn't even know about, until you know they're there and you're sure you never want to feel them again.  Circuit three about kills me every single time!  I love to work the lower body, so this is a favorite of mine, but is a serious challenge.
Difficulty: 7/5  Your legs will be burning, screaming, swearing, everything else.  TOUGH workout!
Enjoyment:  5/5  Although it's a challenge, it is fun and it gives me the opportunity to push myself each time I do it.
Overall:  5/5 Amazing lower body workout that gets the heart rate up and works the legs and glutes to death!  Good luck walking tomorrow!

21 Day Fix Day 7 Review: Yoga Fix

It's the last day of the first week of the 21 Day Fix!  Wow, I can't believe how fast it's gone by!  This is a rest day and a much needed stretch and relaxation for the muscles that have taken a beating this week.

Sunday's Workout:  Yoga Fix

Autumn's Inspirational Quote: "Change your thoughts, change your body"

Time:  29:58

This workout is broken up into different sections, but I'm just going to go through and tell you the moves, so you have some idea of what to expect.

Mountain Pose:  standing as straight at you can, and breathe.

Sun Salutations (3):  raise arms up, swan dive down, raise up into flat back, hands down and step or jump into plank, chaturanga (sliding tricep push up), push into up dog, move back into down dog, jump or step feet forward, move into flat back, swan dive up, bring arms back down to sides.

Chair Pose:  bend down into squat, keeping knees together, arms up by your ears, move into vinyasa (tricep into up dog, down dog), back into chair pose, and close with sun salutation.

Warrior 1:  stand with your feet apart in lunge position, back foot turned out rather than facing front, hips forward, arms out to your sides.
Warrior 2:  same as Warrior 1, but turn your upper body and arms should face the front and back of the room.
Right Angle:  bend forward to rest front elbow on your front knee (or your hand can touch the floor), top arm reaching up to the ceiling, back leg straight.
Back to Warrior 2, Warrior 1, repeat with the other leg forward.
Repeat vinyasa again and then back into chair pose, then back to standing.

Balance Pose:  standing tall, pull your right knee up and balance, then repeat with left leg.
Tree Pose:  standing tall, pull your right foot into your inner thigh, hands in prayer pose at chest, repeat with left leg.

Forward Bend:  bend at the hips, keeping your back flat, interlace fingers around your big toes, lift up your feet and move your hands under your feet so you're standing on them, lift flat back up and down.
Triangle Pose:  move to the right and keep both legs straight, with one arm down to the ground and the other up towards the ceiling, stand up tall and move to the other side.

Using a sun salutation, lower yourself to the ground and go into a...
Modified Cobra (2):  lay flat, hands by your shoulders, push up and then lay back down with right ear on the ground, repeat with left ear.
Superman (2):  lay flat on the ground, hands out straight, legs back, and lift both arms and legs at the same time, lower down with right ear to the ground, then repeat with left ear.
Bow Pose:  laying on your stomach, lift up your legs and bend at knees, then reach your arms back and grab your feet.  Think about pushing your feet back into your hands so you can really stretch your back and quads.

Child's Pose:  bend your knees and lay back onto your quads, stretching your lower back, keeping knees slightly apart.

Cat/Cow (3): round your back up to look like a scared cat, then push your chest into the floor and lift your head up.
Bird Dog:  lift right up and left leg at the same time, then switch arms and legs.

Child's Pose

Runner Stretch:  sit on the floor with legs apart and pull right leg into inner thigh, keep the other leg out straight, reach to your toe.
Glute Stretch:  sit back on your glutes, knees bent, and cross your right leg over your left so your right ankle is resting just above your left knee, pull your chest up as far as you can to really feel the stretch.
Twist:  keep left leg straight, bend right leg over and push against your knee to the right to feel the stretch in your back.
Repeat on other side

Butterfly:  sit with both feet together and rest your elbows on your knees, pushing them into the ground lightly to feel the stretch.
Straddle Stretch:  legs out wide, stretch to the right side, then stretch to the left side, feeling the stretch in your hamstrings and inner thighs..
Side Stretch:  same as straddle stretch, except bend right arm to the side, then left arm, feeling the stretch in your side and shoulder.
Supine Twist:  lay on your back, bring your right knee over your left leg and lightly push it into the floor, repeat on the other side.
Knee Hug:  bring both knees into your chest.
Corpse Pose:  stretch legs out and rest arms by your side, relax and close your eyes.

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  This workout is not intended to be difficult, because it is to stretch and relax your body, but if you are doing the stretches the right way and really relaxing into them, you will be feeling it!  Something I heard once is that you need to stretch until you're comfortably uncomfortable.  That's what you'll feel in this workout.
Difficulty: 2/5 Nothing crazy here, and you can modify any moves in you don't feel like going as deep.
Enjoyment:  3/5  I am not a fan of yoga at all, but I can appreciate the fact that I need workouts like this to give my muscles a break.  This workout was a good yoga workout, just doesn't float my boat.
Overall:  4/5 In thinking that this is a yoga workout, it does a good job of stretching the muscles and relaxing the body.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Why I work out at home...and why I love it!

I have been doing at-home fitness programs for years, and I love them!  For me, it is the easiest way for me to get healthy and fit.  Today, I want to talk a little bit about why I workout at home, the benefits, and why it may be the right choice for you.

No way I'd be doing (or wearing) this in public.

Why I started working out at home:

This is really a long story, most of which you have absolutely no interest in, so I'll cut to the chase.  I tried going to the gym and it just wasn't for me.  Too many machines, too many people, no clue what to do.  I would go and dawdle around for an hour, pretend to do something, and leave.  Once I found and tried DVDs that I could work out to at home, I knew I had found what I was looking for.

When I first started working out at home, I had nothing--no weights, no bench, no resistance bands--just myself and my DVD player.  With Insanity, that's all I needed!  Over the years I have accumulated a lot of equipment, but that has come with time and I buy it because I want to try new things, not because I need it to complete a program.  Most of the programs I have require just weights or a band.

After Insanity, I picked up a bunch of random workout DVDs, which I would lay out, divide into categories, and make my own workout schedule.  It was time-consuming, and there was really no rhyme or reason, I was just putting them together based on what I thought worked and my knowledge, which was minimal!  I decided I needed to go back to a program so I could stay on track and see some real results.

Why I continue to use at-home work out programs:
There are so many reasons!  I love the convenience of working out in my house.  I don't have to drive anywhere or see anyone.  I can look however I want (and most of the times, I look a hot mess).

There is a calendar provided with each workout program.  That way, I always know what workout to do on what day.  These calendars have been put together by professionals who know what they're doing (not me, who just guesses) and are put in an order to give the best results.

I have access to trainers who have been putting together routines and programs for years and have helped thousands get amazing results. 

A nutrition plan and recipe book is included with every program.  Even if you aren't interested in using the specific eating plan that comes with the program, you can use the guide to gain knowledge about food groups, track your eating, and make delicious meals.
I never get bored because I have several programs that I can switch up.  Even if you just have one program, you can challenge yourself by going to the next level.  Plus, you can incorporate programs into another activities you're already doing, such as running, swimming, or sports.

Have you thought about working out at home, but...
In talking to people about their health and fitness goals, there are some common reasons why people are hesitant to try an at-home fitness program.

I don't have enough time to work out.  There are many programs that are 30 minutes or less.  You don't need to spend hours doing fitness to see results.  One of the most popular at-home programs is 21 Day Fix which works multiple body parts at once to give you results faster.  Also available are 21 Day Fix Extreme, the follow up to Fix; Insanity Max: 30, a 30-minute version of Insanity where you are invited to "max out" (take breaks when needed); Focus T25, a fast-paced cardio and strength workout; 22 Minute Hard Corps, a military-training based workout; and P90X3, a 30-minute version of the ever-popular P90X.

I don't have the equipment I'll need.  Yes, there are several programs that require equipment, but typically all you'll need is dumbbells.  You can always substitute equipment that you do have for what you need (a ball for a bench, a resistance band for a chin-up bar).  Even if you have no equipment at all, there are several programs you can do with just your own body weight!  Insanity, my all time favorite workout, requires nothing extra.  Other workouts that require no equipment are Insanity Max: 30; PiYo, a mixture of yoga and Pilates; and Cize, a dance-based workout.  Many other workouts only require dumbbells or a resistance band.
Pretty much all you need for most programs.

I don't have the space to workout at home.  Yes, you do!  I promise, most of the programs require very little space.  As long as you can take a few steps to each side, you have enough room.  In the words of my husband, a P90X graduate, "If I can work out in the bedroom of my apartment, anyone can do it."
I'll get bored doing workouts at home.  As I said before, the calendars for these programs are put together by professionals, so the order of the workouts gives you the best results and helps to keep you from getting bored.  Programs like P90X, The Master's Hammer and Chisel and TurboFire come with over 10 workouts in the base program!  In addition to the variety in the base workout programs, you can get additional deluxe DVDs, which offer more routines for added variety.  Focus T25, for example, includes 4 additional workouts that you can add on as a third month to the program or use to add further variety to your regular calendar.

I won't be able to do these workouts.  Although some of the programs are for advanced exercisers, there are many programs that are for people at the beginner or intermediate level.  Plus, there is typically a modifier, who does low-impact moves.  Some workouts, such as PiYo and Country Heat, a 30-minute, danced-based program that was just released, are specifically made with low-impact moves but the intensity remains high, so you still get a great workout!

I'm not interested in any of these workouts.  That may be true...but do you really know about the variety of the programs?  There are programs for yoga (PiYo), muscle-building (Body Beast, Hammer and Chisel), dance (Cize and Country Heat), and athletic conditioning (Asylum:  Vol. 1 and 2).   Plus, there are always new programs being released, such as Core de Force, an MMA-style workout that requires NO equipment, which is coming soon.  There is something for everyone!

I already work out but need help with nutrition.  Nutrition is a huge part of being healthy!  Portion control is made easy with color-coded containers and the Portion Fix meal plan.  You'll never get bored with a cookbook filled with delicious, easy to make, healthy recipes.  If you are looking for a high-protein boost of nutrition, Shakeology may be right for you.  There are lots of options to help you with meal planning and prep!
I won't be able to do this alone.  The absolute best part of these at-home programs is that you will not be in this alone.  Yes, you may be in your house alone, but when you get a program, you not only get the workouts and nutrition guide, you also get access to a team of people who are working towards the same goals as you.  There is support, motivation, and accountability provided by people who are like-minded in health and fitness.  You also have a coach (ME!) who is there to provide you with whatever you need throughout the course of not only the program but your entire fitness journey!   

I love what these programs have done for me and that's why I am excited to share everything that I have learned and the success I have experienced with these programs with you!  If you have any questions, want more information, or if you are ready to start or continue your fitness journey, email me at  I look forward to working (out) with you soon!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Quick and Easy Lunch: Easy Pizza

I love this recipe!  It's simple, quick, and tasty.  Plus, there are tons of combinations of vegetables and cheeses you could use to make this match your tastes.  This is another recipe from Autumn's Fixate cookbook.  I cannot talk about this book enough; it's great!  You can check it out here:  Fixate cookbook

Easy Pizza
1 serving

1 whole-wheat tortilla
1/4 c tomato sauce
2 T mozzarella cheese
2 T Parmesan cheese
1/4 c sliced onion
1/4 c sliced bell pepper
1 garlic clove, chopped
turkey pepperoni (I used about 8 slices)

Pre-heat oven to 425°.  Put the whole-wheat tortilla on a baking sheet and top with tomato sauce.  Sprinkle on cheeses and top with pepperoni, vegetables, and garlic.  Cook for about 8 minutes, until tortilla is crispy and cheese is melted.  Enjoy! 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Quick and Easy Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich

Another simple breakfast for when you're short on time and want something tasty and nutritious!  This recipe is from the Insanity nutrition guide.

Breakfast Sandwich
1 sandwich

1 whole wheat English muffin, split
2 slices turkey bacon
1 egg
 salt and pepper, to taste
1 T cheddar or mozzarella cheese, optional 
sliced tomato

Toast the English muffin to desired doneness.  Cook the turkey bacon.  Scramble the egg (you can add another egg if you would like more protein), add salt and pepper to taste, and cook on low heat.  Top bottom of English muffin with one bacon slice, cut in half.  Fold eggs over and top with cheese and the other slice of bacon.  Add tomato, if desired.  Put the top of the muffin on and eat!

I serve this with a side of fruit to have a complete breakfast.  Enjoy!