Saturday, August 5, 2017

Saturday Snack: Guacamole

Guacamole is a simple and delicious way to get in some healthy fats and enjoy a delicious snack.  It's filling and can be eaten in so many ways!  Check below for the recipe and some tasty ways to enjoy your homemade guacamole!

16 2 T servings
2 ripe avocados 
1/4 c chopped red onion
2 plum tomatoes, diced
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t cumin
lime juice, to taste
1 t finely chopped jalapeno (optional)

In a bowl, mash avocado into small chunks.  Add onion, tomato, jalapeno, salt, cumin, and lime juice.  That's it--you're done!  Check out some ways to enjoy below!

  • with tortilla chips:  cut whole wheat tortilla into triangles, spray with non-stick spray, bake at 350 for 6 minutes, turn over and cook for another 6 minutes, until crispy.
  • with vegetables:  carrots, bell pepper, tomato
  • with a quesadilla--recipe to come for next week's Tasty Tuesday!
  • in a taco salad:  4 oz. ground turkey meat, lettuce, 2 T cheese, salsa, 2 T guacamole, 1/2 c black beans
  • on top of tacos, fajitas, enchiladas--any Mexican food you make! 
What ways do you like to eat your guacamole?  Share your ideas with me!

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