Friday, August 25, 2017

Fit Friday: Shift Shop!

I love when new workout programs come out!  It gives me a chance to change up my routine, meet a new trainer, and have a new challenge.  Today I am going to talk to you about Beachbody's newest program, Shift Shop.

This program came out about a month ago.  I have yet to do it, but I am going to start next Monday!  I have previewed the first two workouts, plus the stretch and abs workouts, and I can already tell I am going to love it.  I have seen some amazing results from this program so I am very excited!  I am going to tell you all about the program below; plus, I will be doing a sneak peek on Saturday in my reviews for the first week of workouts!

Check out the details of Shift Shop below!

About the Program:
Shift Shop is designed with the idea that there will be a "shift" each week.  That means the workouts will increase in intensity as the weeks go on.  The program is 3 weeks long and you build up the duration of the workouts each week as well.  Each week you will do a Speed workout and a Strength workout alternately Monday-Saturday and then Sunday you can do Mobility (stretch) or have a rest day.  The times of the workouts are the duration; however, the cool down is not included in the time of the workout.  The first week, the workouts are 25 minutes, the second week they are 35 minutes, and in the last week, they are 45 minutes long.  Two days a week you can also add in the ab workout, which is 15 minutes long, but that is optional.

The Speed workouts utilize agility markers that, if you purchase the DVDs, will come with the program.  If you have Beachbody on Demand and will be streaming the workouts, you can print your own agility markers, or just use something else that you already have to mark your focus spots.  Depending on the workout, they will be placed front to back, side to side, or you will use all four. The Strength workouts require dumbbells.

This may change in the future workouts, but in the ones that I previewed (Speed and Strength 25), each move was 1 minute with a break in between moves while Chris explains what is coming next.

There are also two deluxe workouts, Speed and Strength 50.  These can be added into the calendar in the second round of the program.

There is a modifier in every workout.  The trainer teaches the move and then walks the room, encouraging and correcting people's form.  

About the Meal Plan:
There is a meal plan included with the program, as well as a recipe book which has 81 recipes that you can use during the 3 week period (and beyond, of course).  The meal plan is very specific and gives you guidelines to follow depending on your starting weight, your goals, and which week you're on.  The idea is to use the container system that was first introduced with 21 Day Fix; however, it is not necessary to have the containers in order to follow the meal plan.  There are recipes that have measurements for you to follow.

About the Trainer:
Chris Downing is Beachbody's newest trainer.  He is a certified personal trainer and has been working in the fitness industry for years.  I don't know much about him, but from what I have seen in his interviews, he seems very down-to-earth and to really care about people and their goals to get and stay healthy.

From the workouts I have previewed, Chris is very personable and seems to have a good rapport with those in the cast.  He makes jokes, but is not overly goofy (like Tony, in my opinion) and he is highly motivating and encouraging.  As I said above, he goes around the cast to point out corrections of form.  He also pushes them to go lower, faster, and harder.  He is motivating when people in the cast are visibly struggling.  He explains the moves very well before starting and demonstrates them for you while you take a break, giving you enough time to take a break, catch your breath, and get ready for the next move.

First Thoughts:
Since I haven't tried this program yet, I am not going to give a full review.  I will, however, tell you my first thoughts.  The program seems great.  As I said before, I have seen amazing results and, considering it is only 3 weeks long, they are impressive.  I think this workout is going to push and challenge me, which is what I'm looking for.  I like the idea of ramping up, but I am not sure how I am going to like a 50 minute workout.  I have gotten very used to my 30 minutes every morning, but since it's only a week, I am going to do it!  I am not a fan of the agility markers, because it makes it seem like another gimmick that is being used to sell workout programs.  I do like the fact that you don't need them to complete the workouts and that you can print out a free version from Beachbody on Demand.  I am also not used to breaks, so think I am going to like having a little respite in between moves if I need to wipe the sweat or get a swig of water.  I don't like the effects that they added into the videos where Chris "pauses" mid-move and they freeze the action.  I think it's hokey and unnecessary, but that's minor.  I also am not a fan of workouts that say they're 25 minutes, but really end up being 30 minutes with the cool down.  I like the cool down to be a part of the workout because if not, it makes it seem like it's optional.  It's not.  You need to cool down just as you need to warm up.

The meal plan doesn't seem so great.  I have nothing wrong with the recipes, except for the fact that if you ate what's in the meal plan you would get really sick of eggs really fast.  I like the amount of recipes that you are given and the fact that the meal plan is really laid out for you, week by week, day by day.  The meal plan is extremely restrictive.  You will be eating no carbs (yellow containers) in the final week.  I believe that any time you remove something from your diet, your body is missing something and if and when you start to eat that food group again, you will not be able to maintain your body weight.  If you want great results in a super short amount of time or you are training for something specific, I would say to follow the meal plan.  If not, I would stick to a clean eating meal plan.  I will not be following the Shift Shop meal plan, but I will be following a clean diet meal plan by using the same recipes I always make, with some new ones from the recipe book added in.

The trainer seems just my style.  I like his attitude, I like how positive he is, and he is obviously fit and knows what he is doing.  Chris is personable and motivating.  He will push you but he is proud of you when you're done.  You can feel that he wants you to succeed.  He's no Shaun T. (who is?!), but he does a great job and comes pretty close.  I am excited to try out this workout and do a full review when I'm done!

If you're interested in trying Shift Shop or any of Beachbody's programs, you can start a free trial of Beachbody on Demand for 14 days.  You can also purchase the DVDs.  Let me know how I can help!

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