Sunday, August 7, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 7 Review: Yoga Fix Extreme

We have made it through week 1 of Extreme!  In keeping with the theme, this yoga is extreme also.  There are some crazy moves like headstands and one arm balances, but there are also people in the cast (including Autumn) who don't do all those advanced moves.  I'm not even sure why they put stuff like that in workout videos, because I don't know who would be able to do those unless you do yoga on your own...but that's just this girl's opinion.  On to the review!

Sunday's Workout:  Yoga Fix Extreme

Autumn's Inspirational Quote: "You get back what you put in"

Time: 30:36

Just like Yoga Fix, this workout is broken up into different sections.  I'll just tell you the overview of the moves so you have some idea what you're going to be doing.

Mountain Pose:  standing as straight at you can, and breathe.
Sun Salutations (3):  raise arms up, swan dive down, raise up into flat back, hands down and step or jump into plank, chaturanga (sliding tricep push up), push into up dog, move back into down dog, jump or step feet forward, move into flat back, swan dive up, bring arms back down to sides.
Chair Pose:  bend down into squat, keeping knees together, arms up by your ears, move into vinyasa (tricep into up dog, down dog), back into chair pose, and close with sun salutation.

Leg Stretch:  in plank, push your hands into the ground and stretch your right leg as high up to the ceiling as you can, then pull in and come to standing.
Warrior 1:  stand with your feet apart in lunge position, back foot turned out rather than facing front, hips forward, arms out to your sides.
Humble Warrior:  standing in Warrior 1, reach your arms behind your lower back and interlock your fingers, reaching back as far as you can and stretching your chest.
Runner's Lunge:  both hands on the floor, right leg forward, left leg back, stretching apart as far as you can; bend elbows and bring right shoulder under your knee.  You can do the advanced move here, called Arm Balance, where you balance one leg on your elbow and lift both legs up off the ground.  Yup. ...
Go through Vinyasa and repeat on other leg.

Warrior 2:  same as Warrior 1, but turn your upper body and arms should face the front and back of the room.
Extended Angle:  like right angle, where you bend forward to rest front elbow on your front knee, but this time go to the floor and stretch the other arm to the ceiling.  You can also wrap this:  pull your hands behind your leg that is bend and interlock fingers.
Half Moon:  come up onto right leg and twist your hips so they face the corner of the room, lifting back leg off the floor, one arm to the ground, the other leg straight out. 
 This is where the advanced group does something called Bird of Paradise, which is standing on one leg and keeping the other leg out straight and wrapping your hands around the leg that's out straight (which is really up by your head), yeah...I stick with half moon and wobble around the whole time while doing that.
Go into Vinyasa and repeat on the other leg.

Flip the Dog:  in plank position, lift your right leg up and swing it around your back so it's on the floor and your chest is facing the ceiling, with your hand reaching back behind your head; flip back into plank.
 Crescent Pose:  standing in a modified lunge, both feet facing forward, right knee bend, back leg straight, reach your arms up to the sky.
Warrior 3:  push forward onto one foot and stretch arms in front of you.
Standing Split:  come down to the floor with your hands and kick your left leg as high up into the air as you can.
Runner's Lunge:  come down into position, with right knee bend and left leg back as far as you can go.
Quad Stretch:  put back knee down and reach back with one or both hands to pull your foot into your back.
 Go into Vinyasa and repeat on other leg.

Balance Pose:  lift your knee up to hip height, stretch your leg out in the front, then grab your big toe and pull your foot to the right side, keeping your leg straight; pull leg back to the front, bend knee, drop to the ground.  Repeat on other leg.
Royal Dancer:  this pose is kind of cool to me:  stand tall, grab your right foot with your hand and lean forward, opposite hand up to the sky; think of kicking your foot into your hand so you can feel the stretch.  Repeat on other leg.
 Forward Fold:  bend at the hips, keeping your back flat, interlace fingers around your big toes, lift up your feet and move your hands under your feet so you're standing on them, lift flat back up and down.
Crow:  bend your elbows and bring your knees to rest on your elbows.  Here you can lift up your feet and balance on your elbows or go into handstand........................
 Go through Vinyasa.

Cat/Cow: round your back up to look like a scared cat, then push your chest into the floor and lift your head up.
Bird Dog Pull:  lift right up and left leg at the same time and bring them together at your chest, repeat other side.
Child's Pose:  bend your knees and lay back onto your quads, stretching your lower back, keeping knees slightly apart.
Bridge:  on your back, push your hips up and keep your hands at your sides.
Bridge or Wheel:  repeat bridge, or you can go into a Wheel:  put hands by your head and push up like you're doing a back bend (I can hold this for about 2 seconds)
Ball:  bring your knees into your chest in a ball.
Happy Cow Twist:  cross on leg over the other and lightly pull your heels towards your body, then bring one leg over the other and twist across, getting a stretch for the back, repeat on the other side.
Savasana:  corpse pose:  laying flat, every muscle relaxed, hands out by your sides.
Cross Legs:  sit up, cross your legs, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes, namaste.

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  Comparing this to Yoga Fix, it is definitely more intense and Autumn pushes you a little more with both the stretches and the difficulty.  I am not a fan of yoga (I know you didn't know that already) so I wouldn't have enjoyed this anyway but some of the moves are so difficult that I get frustrated.  I don't even try the craziness of arm balance or headstand, but if you can do that, have at it!  Yoga is a beautiful thing, just not for me.
Difficulty: 4/5 Even some of the more basic poses, such as quad stretch and Royal Dancer are a bit more difficult.  You definitely have to have balance or you will be face to the floor.
Enjoyment:  3/5  Back to the yoga...I like to do a workout on what would be "rest day" because I like to keep my schedule consistent, but I would prefer to do an active stretch or something more like Pulse from Insanity instead.
Overall:  4/5 Gets the job done, challenges balance, the body, and the mind.  If you enjoy yoga, I think you'll love this workout.

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