Friday, August 5, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 6 Review: Dirty 30 Extreme

Saturday already??  Wow, we're almost through the first week!  Time to get dirty again and boy, oh, boy, she is not messing around with this one.  Let's get going!

Saturday's Workout:  Dirty 30 Extreme

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done"
Keep this in mind when she's trying to kill you.

Equipment:  2 sets of weights (light and heavy)

Total Workout Time:  31:33

Set up:  3 circuits, 2 exercises each circuit, repeated, 1 minute per exercise, Bonus Round (oh, goody)

One thing I will mention before we get started with this is that although there are only 2 moves per circuit, instead of doing one leg the first round and then other leg the second round, we go both legs, then repeat.  

Warm-up (about 1 and a half minutes):  jog, step back right and left, roll shoulders back, roll shoulders front, side lunge right and left, front lunge with a twist right and left, alternating kick and touch your toe.

Circuit 1:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Half Moon Cutsy-R:  start with feet apart, holding weights in front of your thighs, step back with right foot and go down into lunge (make sure you bring your foot way over but don't turn your hips) and raise your hands over your head in a half circle (hence the name half moon).  Make sure to go pretty light with your weights for this move because your shoulders will be on fiya.

Half Moon Cutsy-L: repeat move with the other leg going back.
Squat Press: hold your weights by your shoulders and keep feet shoulder width apart, go down into a squat and as you come up, push weights above your head.

Circuit 2:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Push-up Row: get in a push-up position, abs tight, back flat, and hold a weight in your right hand, lower down into a push up, press back up and as you do, pull the weight up into your chest.  Repeat and bring up left arm this time.
Sword Pull Lunge-R:  holding one weight, lunge to the right, keeping your left leg straight and bring the weight down towards your right toe, as you come up, step the feet together and raise the weight up over your head while you exhale, keeping your core tight.

Sword Pull Lunge-L:  repeat lunge and pull on other leg.
Circuit 3:  2 exercises, repeated, 1 minute each
Squat Row-R: holding weights, go into a one-legged squat and lower weights towards your toes, stand back up to start position and row weights up to your chest, keeping your elbows out and high.

Squat Row-L:  repeat move on opposite leg.
Lunge Row Curl-R: hold weights at your side and go into a lunge, row your weights up and into your chest, contracting your back.  Step out of the lunge, bring your knee up and curl weights in towards your shoulders.

Lunge Row Curl-L:  repeat move on opposite leg.

Bonus Round:
Okay, this one...I'm not really sure what Autumn was smoking when she came up with this one.  I'm not going to lie--I serioussssssllllllly struggle with this one every.  single.  time.  Choose light weights and you can keep your knee down if you're off balance (or just wobble around swearing with sweat dripping in my eyes like I do).
1 minute:  get into a plank position, holding a weight in your left arm, lift your left arm and right leg up and out, pull your elbow and knee in towards your chest for 30 seconds, then switch arms and legs.

Cooldown:  just under 2 minutes

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  I just looooove how deceiving this workout is.  Seems like 3 circuits are going to be so easy--nope!  This is a tough workout that will have your muscles worn out and your heart rate up. 
Difficulty: 5/5  Another tough one.  A lot of these moves rely on balance as well as core strength.
Enjoyment:  5/5  I really like this one!  Different moves that you don't see in a lot of workouts and a good combination of moves so it doesn't drag or get boring or repetitive.
Overall:  5/5  Definitely challenging, even frustrating at times (especially with that last damn move!), but works the whole body and is a great overall workout!

1 comment:

  1. "Arnold Schwarzenegger's push-up game is strong! He's a living legend, and his commitment to fitness is a shining example for all generations. 🌟 #FitnessIcon #Legendary"
