Thursday, July 23, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Day 1 Review: Plyo Fix Extreme

I'm baaa-aaack!  And Autumn is too, with another week of new workouts, this time labeled "extreme!"  Now, this workouts will be tough, but don't let the name scare you off.  You can do it! 

Friday's Workout:  Plyo Fix Extreme

Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day:  "Now's your chance to change your life"

Equipment: a set of light and medium weights

Total Workout Time:  30:11

Set up:  5 circuits, 2 exercises each circuit, repeated, 30 seconds per exercise, 1 bonus round exercise

Warm-up (1:38):  just as with the Fix, Autumn does the same warm-up in most of the workouts:  jog, step back right and left, roll shoulders back, roll shoulders front, side lunge right and left, front lunge with a twist right and left, alternating kick and touch your toe.

Circuit 1:  2 exercises, repeated, 30 seconds each
Squat Jump:  start in the squat position, holding weights, keep arms by your side and jump up, land in squat position and repeat.
Split Lunge Jump-R:  start in stationary lunge position with the right leg forward, hold weights by your side and jump up and land in lunge position.
Split Lunge Jump-L:  repeat move with the other leg forward.

Circuit 2:  2 exercises, repeated, 30 seconds each
One-legged Squat Jump-R:  start standing on right leg, bend down into squat position, weights at your sides, jump up and then back down on bent knee.
One-legged Squat Jump-L:  repeat move on left leg.
Sumo Squat Jump:  holding one weight at your chest, stand with feet together, jump into sumo position and lower weight, jump back to start position.


Circuit 3:  2 exercises, repeated, 30 seconds each
Burpee Tuck Jump: perform a burpee and instead of jumping when you stand back up, pull your knees into your chest and jump.

Squat Hop: hold weights by your side and jump up, to the right, back, to the left, in a box.
Repeat, but this time when you do the squat hop, jump up, to the left, back, and to the right.

Circuit 4:  2 exercises, repeated, 30 seconds each
Twisted Skaters: this is like the skate jumps in the Fix, but you are holding weights with one arm hanging down and one pulled up by your chest, elbow bent.
Calf Jump:  stand tall and hold weights by your side, slightly bend knees and jump up, really focusing on your calves rather than your quads.

Circuit 5:  2 exercises, repeated, 30 seconds each
Squat Thrusts: in a plank position, pull knees into your chest then straight back out into plank, to the left, back into plank, back in to the chest, back out to plank, to the right, back out to plank.

Sumo Squat Hop: start with feet apart in sumo squat, weight at your chest, hop to the right and bring weight down, hop back and lift weight to chest, then go to left.

Bonus Round: 1 exercise, 1 minute
Cross Parallel Squat:  start in a lunge position, left leg to the front, facing the right.  Jump into a squat position facing front, jump into lunge position, right leg forward, facing the left, jump back to squat facing front.

Cooldown:  about 2 minutes

Personal Opinions and Difficulty:  Plyo Fix is no joke!  The last bonus move will kill ya.  Good thing these moves are only 30 seconds each because I could not do these for a minute! 
Difficulty: 5/5 Legs worked, heart rate up, cardio system worked.  Definitely a tough workout!
Enjoyment:  4/5 This workout is tough and intense.  I like it because of the challenge...and hate it for the same reason!
Overall:  5/5 Great, full-body workout and will have you feeling it the next day!

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