Thursday, July 23, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Introduction

It is time to get Extreme and move on to the next program by Autumn Calabrese:  21 Day Fix Extreme.  This program is the next level after the Fix, but don't let the title of "Extreme" fool you--anyone can do this program!  I have completed this program a few times and have gotten amazing results.  I am ready to start it again with my challenge group this week!

General Program Information:
Just like 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme (21DFX) is a program in which you work out 7 days a week for about 30 minutes each day.  If you have done the Fix, then you are familiar with the setup of most of the workouts:  4 circuits, 2 moves each circuit, repeated, 1 minute each move, sometimes with a bonus move thrown in there (love those).  There are some variations, which you can check out in my reviews.  Set up with a similar calendar, you do the same workout for three Mondays, same for three Tuesdays, etc.  This calendar is a little different, but the workouts are similar:  plyo, upper, Pilates, lower, cardio, Dirty 30, and yoga.  There is an option to buy ultimate workouts as well (which I did) and if you order through a coach, you get an additional workout free.  I like to add these into my regular rotation to add some variety.   Although the program itself is 3 weeks, I like to add in another week to make it 28 days.  This program requires the use of at least 2 sets of weights (light, medium, and heavy would be optimal) and a resistance band.  Autumn has bumped up the intensity by adding resistance to Pilates and cardio moves.  You can also use a mat, if desired, for some of the moves on the floor.  Don't forget your water to hydrate you throughout the workouts and a towel to wipe the sweat.  And your trainers.  Gotta have a good pair (or 5) of shoes!

Just as with the Fix, 21DFX includes the color-coded container system with the meal plan.  I find this to be a great way to help people get started on their road to a clean eating lifestyle.  It is the same philosophy as before:  calculate your activity level, find your calorie range, convert that into containers (this is all done for you, just find it on the chart) and then see how many of each container you eat each day.  There are food lists provided to make things easy for you:  look up the color container and put whatever food from that list into that container and as much of it that will fit.  There are some recipes included in the book as well, including seasonings and dressings.  I have said it before, but I will say it again:  if you are using this eating program, get the Fixate cookbook!  It is amazing!  Heck, even if you're not doing this plan, get it anyway!  I use it multiple times a week and I have never done the container meal plan.  The difference between this eating plan and the Fix is that there are no cheats.  Yes, you heard me--none, zip, nada.  No chocolate, no saving carbs, no WINE (okay, I know I've scared some of you off already)!  Now, that doesn't mean you can't have any treats.  It just means that if you want to get the absolute best results with the program and you are really trying to meet you goals, you must go Extreme. 

Included with the program and meal plan is also a fast-track guide called Countdown to Competition.  This is specifically designed for use if you have a special event or photo shoot (because, I mean, who doesn't have a photo shoot coming up??) to get you results fast.  This is not for use throughout the program and has specific guidelines you should follow to make sure you are not over-working your body. 

Also just as with the Fix, there is a modifier; however, I wouldn't say this is a true modifier.  Yes, Charisse takes the moves down a touch, but there are still some that could be modified further.  If you have done the Fix, you probably have a good idea of what you need to do in terms of modifying to make the moves work for you.  There is a variety in the cast and you will see some from the Fix return. 

About the Trainer: 
Autumn Calabrese has been a fitness instructor and celebrity personal trainer for years.  She is the creator and instructor of the highly-popular 21 Day Fix program which has helped 1,000s see results.  She is back with 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I mean, this woman is amazing.  Like, I want to be her.  I love everything about her.  She is a great instructor.  She models the moves, mirror cues, and cues the moves appropriately.  Autumn is positive and encouraging, but she is also not afraid to call you out and kick your butt (just a little).  She walks around to the cast (which some people don't like but I actually find helpful) and points out when someone is using correct or incorrect form.  This helps me check my form and make sure I'm doing the moves the right way.  Plus, who could do this workout for 30 minutes straight and cue and breathe?  She does push you to the limits, but she always reminds you that "you can do anything for a minute."  I always quip back to her that you cannot stand in front of a firing squad for a minute, but I digress.

If you have done Fix, you have noticed that Autumn does use a lot of the same phrases (such as, "let's go have a look-see"), which can be slightly annoying, but typically she doesn’t bother me at all and I love this woman, so I let it slide (how gracious of me).   Autumn has since released two more workout programs:  a muscle-building program with Body Beast creator Sagi Kalev and Country Heat, a dance-based program that is perfect for people desiring a low-impact workout that is also high-intensity.

If you're interested in finding out more about the workouts in the program, check out my reviews!

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